Living room ballet with Eric Gauthier
The famous choreographer and dancer Eric Gauthier offers you a very special highlight for the Corona school days. Who hasn't always wanted to dance ballet in the living room... Let's go...

Sports Club Magstadt 1897 eV
Movement stops in Magstadt

Movement stops on the Magstadter Sportpfad
In cooperation with the German Gymnastics Federation, so-called "movement stops" are currently being installed throughout Germany. We from the Magstadt sports club are also there and have set up movement stops to get children and young people moving again after Corona.
You will find the ten movement stops in the sports area by the beeches and recognize them by the red and white signs (see picture). You start at the parking lot of the restaurant an den Buchen, go over the log cabin towards the forest playground, a bit on the sports path and then back on the tarred path towards tennis courts and from the Max-Kamradek-Niederseil- Parkour back to the starting point.
This sporty circular trail is ideal for families with children and promotes various sporting skills. Each station has a QR code that can be used to view the task on the Internet. Sometimes there are also videos that explain the task (don't forget your smartphone!)
As a small incentive to complete the stops, you will find onerunning map, on which the completed stations can be entered If the completed process slip is then handed in at the office or sent back by e-mail, there will be a small surprise. You will then be informed by email when you can pick them up.
For your information: The movement stops are not listed in the order 1-10.
The circuit at a glance
What are movement stops?
The running cards

information and questions
Sports Club Magstadt 1897 eV
Marina Kienle
The house
Old Stuttgarter Strasse 66
71106 Magstadt
Phone: (07159) 80 52 42