Living room ballet with Eric Gauthier
The famous choreographer and dancer Eric Gauthier offers you a very special highlight for the Corona school days. Who hasn't always wanted to dance ballet in the living room... Let's go...

Sports Club Magstadt 1897 eV
Member Information
Reporting year 2021/2022
membership development

Reorganization of our administration
Seit rund 10 Jahren entwickeln Vorstand, Geschäftsstelle und die Abteilungen die sportliche Angebotspalette kontinuierlich aus und um. Neben der Einrichtung der SVM-Bewegungsschule im Jahr 2022 dem Ausbau des Angebots im Kurssystem sowie der erweiterten Nutzungsmöglichkeiten des SVM-Sportparks befinden sich auch einige Abteilungen inzwischen in einem Veränderungsprozess. Die Handballabteilung hat in diesem Jahr eine Jugendspielgemeinschaft mit dem SV Renningen und dem SKV Rutesheim gegründet. Auch unsere Sportkegler bereiten ein solche sportliches Bündnis mit dem VfL Sindelfingen auf. Solche Lösungen sind notwendig, um auch in Zukunft Freizeit- und Wettkampfsport in Magstadt zu ermöglichen. Nach der Sommerpause wird aus der SVM-Bewegungsschule die Kindersportschule Magstadt. Unser neuestes Projekt.
Sports ground at the beeches
With the inauguration of the VR Bank Arena on December 22, 2018, we were able to realize the first building block of our SVM sports park. In 2019, the first task was to get the arena running, to gain experience and to create routine processes. The open-air facility has already proven its worth, especially during the Corona period, so we were able to maintain sports operations for a long time despite the closure of the sports halls. The occupancy figures of our open-air facility have been growing steadily since the start. After a long planning phase, we were able to start the realization of part 2 of the sports park in 2020 and to be able to put the SVM beach sports facility into operation in May 2021. Both facilities are now very popular and we are proud to be able to provide a modern and contemporary facility for sports in Magstadt with the SVM Sports Park.
Course offerings with increasing demand
Since the start of our course program in spring 2018, the demand for sports courses in children's, fitness and health sports has been growing continuously. During the time of the Corona-related restrictions, some courses could take place in online format, which fortunately was well received. Since March of this year, the VR Bank Arena has offered optimal conditions for the courses, which were initially held outdoors. With Marina Kienle, we were able to gain an expert who will continue to expand the existing range of offers for children, young people and seniors. As part of the Magstadt health network, new health sports offers will be available for local companies and businesses from January 2022. As part of the Magstadt district development, senior citizens should also be provided with more exercise.
VR Bank Arena users very satisfied
FSJ: Jessie Hasmüller awarded for online fitness project

Youth work behind the scenes
Due to the outbreak of the corona pandemic and the associated restrictions for the sports club and all possible events, the projects of the youth board for 2020 were slowed down. Accordingly, the youth board focused on modernizing the decades-old youth system. With the help of this, the relationship with the club youth should be expanded and the commitment of many young people active in the sports club should be promoted. The youth board took part in the anniversary retreat of the board in order to represent the interests of the young people and to be able to contribute the ideas of young people to future planning.

FSJ in the Magstadt sports club
From August 15, 2020 to August 14, 2021, Florian Wolf completed the voluntary social year at the sports club in Magstadt and thus succeeded Jessie Hasmüller. We are pleased that the FSJ position in sports and school has now been filled for the fourth time by a homegrown talent from the sports club. Florian organized sports activities for students as part of the all-day school offerings at the Johannes Kepler community school. He looks after the elementary school students as well as students of the secondary school. With the offers, students experienced new types of sports, developed their motor skills and got to know the sports club as a provider of a wide range of offers.