Living room ballet with Eric Gauthier
The famous choreographer and dancer Eric Gauthier offers you a very special highlight for the Corona school days. Who hasn't always wanted to dance ballet in the living room... Let's go...

Sports Club Magstadt 1897 eV

Sports Club Magstadt 1897 eV
Movement - Encounter - Diversity
Old Stuttgarter Strasse 66
71106 Magstadt
birth date
The way into the 21st century
Reading time: 25 years in just 5 minutes
When the sports club celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1997, the company was about to step into the new millennium. At the turn of the year 2000, digitization was exciting in terms of computer technology, but social developments, influenced by it, also took their course. Since 1998 there has been a new political era after Helmut Kohl and the world started into very uncertain times with the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.
In this whole context, those responsible in the sports club were challenged to organize sport and life in the club and thus do justice to their task. In the new millennium, the sports fields on the sports grounds at the beech trees were renovated or expanded. In the last 25 years, four chairmen of the club management have always managed the fortunes of the sports club together with the respective department heads. In the 2000s, the sports club grew slightly but steadily to around 1,500 members. An effect that was caused on the one hand by the great commitment of the individual departments in competitive sports, but also by the 2006 World Cup and an ever-increasing cooperation in the club.
The 2010 years were then characterized by the radically changing sports and physical activity behavior of people in Germany. In 2016, the federal government passed the Prevention Act, which focused more on promoting the health of Germans. With all its consequences for the sports offers in the sports club. Like all clubs, the Magstadt sports club had to face the increasing competition from offers in fitness studios and other health sports providers. With the legal entitlement to a day-care center and the introduction of all-day schools in Germany, club sports for children in particular faced a turning point. How should both work side by side, how could the Magstadt sports club, set up on a voluntary basis, reliably cooperate with the local school and day care centers?
Those responsible for the club have now found the right answers to all these questions and, above all, have developed the right concepts. The last seven years have been characterized by repositioning itself as an association for the future. That is, to develop service concepts that are specifically tailored to the needs of the population, to improve the sports facility situation in Magstadt with the construction of the SVM sports park, to make communication with members more direct, to make the administrative processes continuously more digital, to consolidate cooperation with local institutions and within the framework of Networking to work together more intensively and to position oneself more broadly full-time.
Conclusion: In its anniversary year 2022, the Magstadt sports club is more professional in many areas than it was at the 100th anniversary. But the Corona crisis has shown us in the last two years that sports clubs in Germany are more than just providers of sports and exercise. Their action, which is based on solidarity, and their voluntary commitment, which is so important, have once again revealed during the crisis that the sports clubs and, above all, the many committed people hold our society together and are absolutely necessary for a well-functioning community. This togetherness, this solidarity and voluntariness will continue to be part of our DNA in the future. The Magstadt sports club will continue to face up to this social responsibility in the next 25 years. Thanks to everyone who has given the Magstadt sports club their strength over the past 25 years.
In the anniversary year 2022, in which the sports club SVM125JAHRE celebrates, we want to bring the people of Magstadt together: with exercise, encounters and diversity!
Stephan Scheel
- First Chairman-
Video Archive
Events and decisions
Click on the year for details
January 2021 - December 2021
January 2020 - December 2020
January 2019 - December 2019
January 2018 - December 2018
January 2017 - December 2017
January 2016 - December 2016
January 2015 - December 2015
January 2014 - December 2014
January 2013 - December 2013
January 2012 - December 2012
January 2011 - December 2011
January 2010 - December 2010
January 2009 - December 2009
January 2008 - December 2008
January 2007 - December 2007
January 2006 - December 2006
January 2005 - December 2005
January 2004 - December 2004
January 2003 - December 2003
January 2002 - December 2002
January 2001 - December 2001
January 2000 - December 2000
January 1999 - December 1999
January 1998 - December 1998
January 1997 - December 1997

Additional personnel capacities will be created in the office.
Since May 2021, the sports offers have been possible again to some extent "normal".
The concrete preparations for the anniversary SVM125YEARS are begun. The overall concept for the anniversary year is approved by the board and the sub-projects begin their work.
The movement school Magstadt for children from 0-6 years is set up.
The tennis department celebrates its 50th anniversary and the Women's Fitness Department celebrates its 40th anniversary. The celebrations were postponed due to Corona.
The General Assembly will be postponed by one year due to the pandemic. This is unique in the club's history.
The members of the board remain in office beyond their term of office.
Sports operations are completely stopped for months. Later, this is only possible under strict conditions. Online training is also offered in many sports groups.
All working sessions of the board, the committees and the working groups are held in online sessions.
There has been a slight decline in membership, but it is also manageable.
The football department celebrates its 100th anniversary. The celebrations were postponed due to the pandemic.
As of this year, the reports on the general meeting are published in a separate report booklet and on the website in advance of the general meeting.
The sports club converts its entire data management and internal communication to Microsoft 365, including server-based data storage.
For better data protection, the general meeting decides on appropriate amendments to the statutes.
The general meeting decides on a new board structure with additional functions.
In February 2018, the sports club started with a new communication concept (new homepage, Facebook and Instagram accounts, blog system, etc.)
The club started a crowd investing campaign with Xavin to finance the sports park with a beach sports field.
A project group for the construction of the sports park is set up.
Sports club starts with a course program for the first time and introduces a digital booking system.
The weight training room was renovated by the municipality and rebuilt according to the ideas of the sports club.
In an extraordinary meeting, the general meeting decides to take over the former Ricotenplatz with heritable building rights, the financing and the construction of a McArena (artificial turf sports area with a roof).
The board of directors presents the "Magstadter Sport- und Fitness-Zone" sports facility concept, which envisages long-term sports facility development.
Demand for excursions by honorary members continues to be high.
New General Data Protection Regulation in sports clubs is being implemented. Micha Barsch is elected as the data protection officer of the sports club.
For many years now there has also been a general youth board.
The weight training department celebrates its 50th anniversary.
Harald Link (Boeblingen Sports Association) will give a keynote speech on the subject of "Future Sports Offers" as part of the General Assembly.
The refreshment room in the sports hall has been converted for courses offered by the municipality.
Another change of tenants in the restaurant An den Buchen.
The karate and fistball departments will be dissolved by the end of the year. However, the sports club wants to keep the sports as a division.
The general meeting decides on a fundamentally new fee structure and the adjustment of the honorary system.
The General Assembly instructs the Board of Directors to plan a McArena as the basis for a decision at an Extraordinary General Assembly.
The project regarding an "extended board team" has proven its worth. Preparations for a structural change are being pushed ahead.
The first small advances have been made in the acquisition of new sports areas: storage room for the handball department in the sports hall, SVM meeting room in the former archive on the beech trees.
The SVM office will be expanded to include a EUR 450 employee.
The new management team presents new work structures and a strategy concept that is intended to prepare the sports club for the new tasks and challenges.
The first preliminary considerations for your own sports facility construction concept are developed in a working group.
On July 5, 2015, the first SVM honorary coffee will take place as a separate honorary event. This is intended to shorten the duration of the general meeting and give the honorees more space for the honoring.
Changes to the statutes and the contribution regulations are decided.
Stephan Scheel is elected the first chairman.
The new contribution regulations will come into effect on May 1, 2014.
On April 1, 2014, there will be a change of tenants in the An den Buchen restaurant.
As every year, department heads report on the work in the various departments.
Honorary members excursion takes the honorary members to Saarbrücken and the Völklingen Ironworks.
The general meeting decides on the amendment of the statutes and the order of honor.
The general meeting decides to set up an FSJ position in the sports club
Sports club presents itself on March 24th, 2013 at the presentation of the Magstadt clubs.
Board forms a workinggroup that takes care of the successor to Wolfram Kienle, who is no longer running as first chairman in 2014.
Youth sports day for the first time outdoors and with a final show in the sports hall.
The SVM board works in the working group for the introduction of the community school/all-day school in Magstadt.
The membership on December 31, 2011 amounts to 1572 members.
There is still a need for additional training opportunities.
The bowling department's project for a suitable training room in Magstadt cannot be realized.
Children's gymnastics day as a framework for youth sports day and action day for day care centers and Johannes Kepler School on September 18, 2010 in Magstadt
The sports club takes part in the parade for the 900th anniversary of the municipality of Magstadt.
Around 300 children and young people show their skills at the youth sports afternoon.
In workshops, the board and departments develop scenarios for the expansion of the sports facilities in Magstadt.
The financial resources of the sports club are not sufficient to build a sports facility on their own.
The "Sindelfinger Spaetzle" club is included as a club in the cone department.
The general meeting decides on amendments to the statutes, which from now on make it possible to pay out honorary lump sums.
The strength training department celebrates its 40th anniversary
SVM bowlers find a new training facility in the Glaspalast.
The excursion for honorary members will take place on June 4th, 2008.
The Board of Directors presents initial considerations to set up a course system to the General Assembly.
The sports club sets up a working group for a future concept for the sports club.
Due to the large hall capacity bottlenecks, many departments have to introduce waiting lists.
Youth sports afternoon on November 17, 2007
Excursion of honorary members on June 5th and 19th, 2007
Youth sports afternoon on November 18, 2006 with large participation.
Excursion of honorary members in 2006 leads to the Allianz Arena in Munich.
Wolfram Kienle is elected the first chairman.
The excursion for honorary members takes place on June 7, 2005 with a visit to the Lake Constance water supply in Sipplingen.
RV Pfeil Magstadt and the sports club together create a defibrillator for the sports hall.
The football department and the accordion club organize a Kreisputzede event on March 20, 2004.
In an extraordinary general meeting, a new association statute, a new fee schedule, a new honor schedule and a new financial schedule are decided.
Wolfram Kienle temporarily assumes the duties of the first chairman.
Completion of the renovation of the soccer fields including the tennis court as a ricotta playing field on the beeches.
The 25th anniversary of sports hall 1 is celebrated as part of the youth sports gala.
The municipality of Magstadt and the football department conclude a lease agreement for the sports fields on the beeches.
In July 2003, the renovation of the football pitches at the beeches began with the help of grants from the Württemberg State Sports Association.
The office begins its work in the House of Youth and Clubs.
Youth sports gala takes place on November 17th, 2001.
A "Homepage" project group is working on the joint website of the main association and departments.
A working group creates a communication concept. A new logo will be created in the process.
The establishment of an office is decided.
The board identifies major problems in recruiting volunteer members.
Youth sports gala takes place on November 17th, 2001.
A youth representative committee is appointed, Alexander Lenz becomes overall youth representative.
The excursion of the honorary members goes to Neckarsulm this year.
Christian Sluyterman van Langeweyde becomes the new first chairman.
The sports club converts its contributions to EURO amounts.
A homepage for the sports club is set up for the first time.
General meeting decides to increase the fee
Youth sports gala on May 20, 2000
Bernsdorfer Tag in Magstadt with soccer and bowling
Karate-Budokai is included as a department in the sports club
Youth sports afternoon becomes a youth sports gala on 13.11.1999
Meeting of the honorary members with inauguration of a commemorative plaque on the beeches
Squash department dissolves and leaves the sports club
Exhibition 100 years sports club in the local history museum Magstadt
Excursion of the SVM Main Committee
Youth order should be revived
Finding a second board member is difficult
The sports club Magstadt celebrates its 100th anniversary
A chronicle will be created for this
Photos from 25 years of club life
Image series will grow over the coming months

The club chronicle 100 years sports club

Digital for ebook readers
The Festschrift from 1997 is now also available for download in digital EPUB format.
On the occasion of our 125th anniversary in 2022, we digitized the printed and now sold-out print version of the 100th anniversary commemorative publication and thus reissued it. This gives everyone who has not yet purchased such a commemorative publication the opportunity to download it and read it in the e-book reader. This gives us historically important information about the sports club for future generations.